Submission Guidelines


Please provide us the following information:

  1. The working title of your book, along with a brief description (no more than a few sentences) of the purpose or theme of your book and the total number of words. A brief description of each chapter in your manuscript.
  2. Include a few sample chapters (or entire manuscript if it is finished).
  3. Please demonstrate your awareness of other books that cover the same kind of material as your manuscript by including the titles and brief descriptions of those books. How is your manuscript unique? Why would someone purchase your book instead of another one on a similar topic?
  4. Does the manuscript address any of the following: 1) Jewish evangelism; 2) the Jewish roots of Christianity; 3) Messianic Judaism; 4) Israel; 5) the Jewish People. Does your manuscript meet any of these criteria? If so, how? How does your manuscript demonstrate an awareness of Jewish culture and thought?
  5. Who is the target audience for your book? What type of person would buy your book?
  6. How do you envision your book being marketed?
  7. Do you have a connection to Messianic Judaism? If so, how?
  8. Please include a resume, highlighting your past educational, occupational, and writing background. Please make sure to give us your name, address, daytime and evening telephone numbers, e-mail address, current occupation, and name of your congregation.
  9. Please provide a list of at least three individuals who are willing to endorse your book. For each one, include their complete name, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number. Indicate the nature of your relationship (e.g. rabbi, pastor, supervisor, editor, or business associate). If you already have endorsements, please include them with your manuscript. 
  10. Please email your manuscript to