Paperback. 8.9 x 5.9 x 0.4 inches 160 pages
The Ephesian congregation was a diverse group of Jews and Gentiles, united together in Messiah. They experienced many blessings in their own lives and definitely had an impact on the first century world in which they lived. But the Rabbi was not just writing to that local group. What is Paul saying to us?
Covers such topics as the Jewish background of baptism, redemption and early worship services. Also addresses the relationship of Jews and non-Jews who form the messianic community. Likewise, practical ways to apply our faith to marriage, parenting and careers.
“…biblically sound and locates Rabbi Shaul in his Jewish world, even as the “apostle to the Gentiles.” — Akiva Cohen, Ph.D., Tel Aviv University
“…a new and refreshing perspective” — Dr. Hélène Dellaire, Professor of Old Testament & Director of Messianic Judaism Programs, Denver Seminary “Integrates the often-ignored rabbinic sources with significant exegetical insights, as well as important religious, cultural, and historical information.” — Rabbi Dr. John Fischer, Vice President of Academics, St. Petersburg Seminary and Yeshiva
“upholds the integrity of Paul’s thought, while emphasizing the very needed Jewish backgrounds to Paul’s thought process.”— Rabbi Dr. D. Friedman, Jerusalem, Israel
“Mishnaic and Talmudic references add significant detail…..beneficial applications to today.” — Gregory Hagg, Ph.D., Talbot School of Theo., Charles L. Feinberg Center or Messianic Jewish Studies
“… a worthy contribution.” — Dr. Daniel Juster, First President of UMJC, Senior Elder-Tikkun International, Prof. Messianic Jewish Studies at The King’s University and Messianic Jewish Bible Inst.
“Paul, the Christian theologian, is better understood as Sha’ul, the Jewish Rabbi.” — Rebecca Moore, Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus, Dept. Religious Studies, San Diego State University
“Excellent resource for Bible study! Important contribution to the current literature.” — Rabbi David Rudolph, PhD, Dir. of Messianic Jewish Studies Program, The King’s University
“…helps us discover the man, his message and its meaning for us today” — Dr. Jeffrey L. Seif, Prof. Messianic Jewish Studies, The King’s Univ. and Messianic Jewish Bible Inst.
“…exegetes the book of Ephesians’ passages from a thoroughly Jewish perspective” — Elliot Klayman, Executive Director, Messianic Jewish Theological Institute
Barney Kasdan has been rabbi of a thriving Messianic synagogue, Kehilat Ariel in San Diego, since 1981. A graduate of Biola University and Talbot Seminary, as well as a student at the University of Judaism, he brings a wealth of knowledge and information to us. Author of two other books, God’s Appointed Times and God’s Appointed Customs, Rabbi Kasdan is dedicated to helping both Jews and Gentiles get to know the Jewish Yeshua better.