About Us
About Messianic Jewish Publishers & Resources
December 7, 1941. The United States is drawn into World War II.
During that same year, Dr. Henry Einspruch publishes his classic book, the Yiddish New Testament, a breakthrough in evangelistic literature for Jewish people. Even as millions die under the reign of Nazi terror, many are made alive through the reading of God's Word in their mother tongue, Yiddish.
Over the decades, the publications of Lederer/Messianic Jewish Publishers & Resources have been widely used to impact thousands of Jewish people with the Good News of Messiah. These books, bibles and tracts have been distributed to Orthodox Jews, given to Jews throughout the world, and used by all Messianic congregations and Jewish outreaches.
We are a three-fold ministry, reaching Jewish people with the message of Messiah, teaching our non-Jewish spiritual family about their Jewish roots, and strengthening the Messianic congregational movement with excellent resources.
Messianic Jewish Publishers the only full-fledged Messianic Jewish publishing house, producing the best Messianic books and helping authors get their books in print.
About Rabbi Barry Rubin

One of the people directly impacted by these books was Barry Rubin, who began trusting Yeshua following a "Messiah Our Passover" seder dinner at Lederer headquarters in 1973.
Later that year, Barry started sharing the Messiah with God's chosen people, opening an outreach in Chicago while attending seminary. He headed a Messianic music team, developed and conducted training programs, and is now rabbi of the oldest extant Messianic congregation in the world.
In 1988, Rabbi Rubin became the director of The Lederer Foundation, now called Messianic Jewish Publishers and Resources, then a fifty+ year organization formerly located in the Orthodox Jewish section of Baltimore, now headquartered in Clarksville/Columbia of Howard County, Maryland.
He is the author of You Bring the Bagels, I'll Bring the Gospel: Sharing Messiah with Jewish people; The Sabbath: Entering God's Rest; the Messianic Passover Haggadah; Dedicate and Celebrate: A Messianic Jewish Guide to Hanukkah and numerous articles. He published the Messianic Jewish Life magazine, the publication of the International Messianic Jewish Alliance. Rabbi Rubin’s inspiring and educational teaching and preaching programs have been appreciated by many hundreds of churches.
Rabbi Barry (Baruch) Rubin wife Lisa works alongside him as his assistant and Marketing Director.