208 pages. 6x9 Paperback
John’s Three Letters include some of the most beloved and often-quoted portions of scripture. Countless sermons have been given on their verses, and they are intimately familiar to innumerable individuals across time. Therefore, most people conversant on the Bible – scholars included – are confident they already have John’s letters figured out.
But have they really?
There is a need for a fresh and post-supersessionist reading of John’s letters that challenges common presuppositions regarding their purpose, message and relevance. By delving into their original Jewish context we will discover a world of hope, love, and God’s ongoing covenant-faithfulness to Israel. We will also demonstrate that the author’s theology, particularly his understanding of the divine nature of Messiah, was thoroughly embedded within the Jewish world of the first century.
What some are saying
If you are looking for a guide to make the Letters of John fresh and interesting again, this is the book for you! There are parallels between John and the Qumran literature and the Mishnah. For example, through a consideration of the Jewish sources you may find new insights into the spiritual meaning of water and cleansing used by John.
—Dr. William D. (Bill) Bjoraker, Associate Professor of Judeo-Christian Studies and Contemporary Western Culture, William Carey International University, Pasadena, Cal.
While engaging with traditional and well-established New Testament commentators, Brumbach raises a key set of issues and questions that has largely been eclipsed by the parting of the ways between Judaism and Christianity.
—Dr. Jennifer M. Rosner, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, Cal.
I recommend this work for all who are interested in being gently initiated into an up-to-date, concise, yet comprehensive treatment of John’s letters.
—Joseph Shulam, Director of Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry, Jerusalem, Israel
About the author:
Joshua Brumbach is the Senior Rabbi of Beth Emunah Messianic Synagogue in Agoura Hills, California, adjunct instructor of Jewish Studies at Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, and the author of a previous commentary in this series, Jude: On Faith and the Destructive Influence of Heresy (April 2014).