Referring to the chosen-ness of the Jewish people, Paul, the Apostle, "For God`s free gifts and his calling are irrevocable" (Rom. 11:29). This messenger to the Gentiles understood the unique calling of his people, Israel. So does Daniel Juster. In The Irrevocable Calling, he expands Paul’s words, showing how Israel was uniquely chosen to bless the world and how these blessings can be enjoyed today.
Jack Hayford, Mike Bickle, and Don Finto love Israel.... And they love this book.
- "There is no voice in the Messianic Jewish Community that speaks with the depth of biblical theological insight as Dan Juster`s."
-Dr. Jack W. Hayford, Pres., International Foursquare Churches; Chancellor, The King`s College and Seminary; Founding Pastor, The Church On The Way - "Dan Juster has significant understanding of what the Scripture says about God`s heart and purpose for the Church and Israel in the End-Times. I highly recommend this book."
-Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer of Kansas City - "I pray your own heart will be open to the voice of God as you listen to his comments on The Irrevocable Calling."
-Don Finto, Pastor Emeritus, Belmont Church, Nashville, Tenn.; Dir.; The Caleb Company
If you love Israel, you`ll want to read The Irrevocable Calling.
About the Author:
Dr. Dan Juster, a pioneer in the Messianic Jewish movement (since 1972), was senior rabbi of Beth Messiah Congregation, Rockville, Md, and the general secretary of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. He oversees fifteen Messianic congregations, both in the U.S. And abroad, as director of Tikkun Intl. Ministries. He holds degrees from Wheaton College, Trinity Intl. Seminary, McCormick Theological Seminary and New Covenant Intl. Seminary. He is a sought after conference speaker and has authored many books and articles. He and his wife, Patty, spend half their year in Israel and the remaining half in Florida. They have two children and three grandchildren.
Paperback 5.6 x 0.2 x 8.4 inches. 64 pages