This little booklet has been one of the more used booklets presenting the Good News in a Jewish context. It has sold hundreds of thousands of copies and has had consistently good reviews. The essence is to present Yeshua (Jesus) in his Jewish context and to show how following him is consistent with being Jewish. It also presents the development of the synagogue-church split and why this has made true understanding difficult.
Dr. Daniel Juster, Th.D. is the Director of Tikkun International, a network of congregations and ministries in the United States and abroad. He is the founding president of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, in which he served as president and general secretary. He also pastored congregations Adat Hatikvah in Chicago, and later, Beth Messiah in suburban Washington, D.C. from 1978- 2000. He and his wife Patty reside near Jerusalem.
Paperback, 54 pages.