The Borough Park Papers - Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God
The Borough Park Papers - Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God

The Borough Park Papers - Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God

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The purpose of the Symposiums is to provide a forum for members of the broader Messianic Jewish community to articulate their beliefs with an expectation that they will receive a respectful hearing, but without the expectation that agreement concerning these beliefs will be achieved. The Symposium is designed to provide an internal platform for leaders to better understand each another and the various positions held within the Messianic movement.”

As you read the New Testament, you “overhear” debates first-century Messianic Jews had about critical issues, e.g. Gentiles being “allowed” into the Messianic kingdom (Acts 15). Similarly, you’re now invited to “listen in” as leading twenty-first century Messianic Jewish theologians discuss critical issues facing us today. Some ideas may not fit into your previously held pre-suppositions or pre-conceptions. Indeed, you may find some paradigm shifting in your thinking. We want to share the thoughts of the following thinkers with you, our family in the Messiah.

Paperback. 5.4 x 0.6 x 8.3 inches. 204 pages.