Contemplate the power in these words anytime, anywhere! Psalms-Tehillim offers uplifting words of praise and gratitude, expressing the majesty of God, along with a sense of God’s nature as a shepherd. God is thus the transcendent creator, as well as the personal caretaker. No collection of writings has captured so well these two aspects of God. Proverbs-Mishlei gives us the wisdom for daily living, renewing our minds by leading us to examine our actions, to discern good from evil, and to decide freely to do the good. Many of the truths in the Bible are like gold buried deep underground that take effort to dig out and understand. But the Book of Proverbs is like a mountain stream, littered with nuggets, just waiting to be picked up. Since there are 31 proverbs, you could choose one proverb a day and look for these nuggets that will enrich your life.
Paperback. 5.4 x 0.6 x 8.3 inches. 226 pages.