- they were betrayed by their family
- rejected by Israeli Immigration
- tormented by unending court trials
reported on by major international news media
(Time, Newsweek, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post)
Gary and Shirley Beresford never wanted to be heroes. A middle-aged Messianic Jewish couple from South Africa, they felt God calling them to live in Israel, the Promised Land. Wanting nothing more than to live quietly and grow old together in the country of refuge for all Jewish people, little did they suspect what events would follow to try their faith.
The fight to make aliyah, to claim their rightful inheritance in the Promised Land, became a battle waged not only for themselves, but for Messianic Jews all over the world who wish to return to the Jewish homeland. Here is the true saga of the Beresford`s journey to the land of their forefathers.
Includes both a Foreword and a 25-page Appendix on the decades-old struggle for Messianic Jewish aliyah by Dr. David Stern, translator and the Jewish New Testament and Complete Jewish Bible, and author of the Jewish New Testament Commentary. 208 pages. ISBN:9781880226568